Experience as a perturbation to prescription in curricular policy
Curriculum policy, Experience, AlterityAbstract
The text is composed of reflections produced in the scope of a research carried out in a municipal public school, with the participation of teachers from the initial and final years of elementary school, aiming to explain the non-simplicity of a raised adhesion to the National Common Core (BNCC) by schools. Based on the thinking of Jacques Derrida, initially we present the notions of différance and translation as important for thinking about education. Then, the notions of experience and otherness help us to shift the perspective of investigation with autobiographical narratives of a tradition characterized by linearity and transparency based on evidence to consider experience as the ground of the impossible, because it is made of otherness. A reconstitution of the scenes of teacher education at school occupies the discussion in the third section, as part of the research empiric with which we seek to highlight the excesses related to life and education. Thus, we point out that, in education, you cannot dismiss the experience, trying to demonstrate how, even when the prescription is reiterated as desirable and possible, in a game that also blocks non-restrictive interpretations of curriculum and decent working conditions, it does not produce accuracy and sameness required by BNCC. We defend, in this perspective, the irreducibility of experience to prescription, to disturb it as a dimension without which neither education would exist, nor would there be any need for politics.
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