Universal Design for Learning as a methodology for teaching mathematics in the training of special education future teachers
Universal design for learning, Math teaching. Teachers’ training, Special educationAbstract
The central topic of the article is related to an innovative practice in the training of new Special Education teachers, in which Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is used as a strategy for teaching Math in the subject Access Tools for Learning Maths I. The implementation of the UDL is a strategy to facilitate every student’s learning, and an opportunity to model diversified teaching strategies. The objective of this work is to reveal the implementation of the UDL. In this context, the teachers’ practices in class were analyzed as well as the students’ perceptions, identifying a new traditional teaching methodology focused in the teacher, and negative perceptions from students towards Math. Then, different teaching strategies were selected and implemented based on the three principles of the UDL, its guidelines and verification points. Finally, it can be concluded that the implementation of the strategies has permitted a greater involvement in the learning and approaching students to their future careers, which is critical en Chilean educational policies, demanding schools to incorporate UDL.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ximena Gutiérrez-Saldivia, Cecilia Barría , Danilo Díaz-Levicoy
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