Possibilities of Statistical Education as a form of critical analysis of reality in the indigenous school
Statistical education, Indigenous school education, Critical Mathematics Education, Teacher educationAbstract
The article discusses a study developed in indigenous schools which aimed to analyze the possibilities of promoting the Statistical Literacy in the intercultural context of the Xukuru people of Ororubá, to base the teaching action and to stimulate the mathematical knowledge of the students through reflective practices. We investigate if and how the statistical contents were worked by initial years teachers of Xukuru people and analyze the planning and carrying out of classroom activities involving the stages of the investigative cycle within a collaborative group. The methodological methods involved participant observation and semistructured interviews with three indigenous teachers; documentary analysis in two teachers' class journals and the formation of a collaborative group with the participation of 11 teachers from the initial years of Elementary School. It was found that the teachers of this ethnic group develop an initial work with statistics valuing the cultural characteristics of the indigenous community with interdisciplinary activities of construction of charts and tables, which included the statistical research through activities with interventions in the different spaces of the villages
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