Educational policies in times of coup: setbacks and forms of resistance
Brazilian education, Educational politics, Educational reform, Setback in educationAbstract
This article discusses the current Brazilian educational policy starting by characterizing the general tendency of precarious education in the country expressed in philanthropy, delay, fragmentation and improvisation. It then shows that the progress made by the mobilization of educators between 2003 and 2014 was halted by the legal-media-parliamentary coup consummated on August 31, 2016 with the impediment of then-President Dilma Rousseff. This resulted in a major setback expressed in the reform of high school, in the self-styled project “school without party” and in Amendment 95 that froze investments in education, making impossible the PNE goals approved in June 2014. By way of conclusion, some forms of resistance to the backwardness that have been widening and deepening with the inauguration of the new government on January 1, 2019 are indicated.
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