Radicalization and sectarianization: returning to Freirean assumptions
Progressive thinking, Criticality, Social transformationAbstract
From a critical descriptive study, based on a qualitative, bibliographic research, based on Paulo Freire's educational thought, the intention is to reflect on the concepts of radicalization and sectarianization related to the struggle between progressive and reactionary forces. In the first part of the text, Freire's works are looked for, which approach the subject, the importance of the role of education, considering open and closed societies, in what relates to the participation of human beings in the historical moment lived. From this understanding, the action of struggle for freedom stands out, rejecting welfare and fanaticism. In the sequence, the discussion approaches the levels of conscience and the processes of formation of a critical conscience. Finally, a problematization of the challenges faced by human beings in current contemporary society is elaborated, considering the setbacks and advances, in which the ills and dynamism imposed by the capitalist civilization model make human beings be placed in the condition of spectators, as opposed to becoming transforming historical subjects of their time.
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Copyright (c) 2023 André Luis Castro de Freitas, Luciane Albernaz de Araujo Freitas
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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