War, fear and human rights: an analysis of the complex current world order
human rights, global war, world peace, international societyAbstract
This scientific article analyzes the complexity of the current international scenario and its connections with the thematics of war, of peace and of the protection of human rights. The starting point is the theme of war and its displacement from the place of an ever-possible potential conflict between states to a situation that makes daily the possibility of large-scale violence. In this trajectory, the political administration of uncertainties and propagated fear plays a fundamental role. The aim is to demonstrate the profound dilemma established, in the currently of the international society, between the permanent state of war installed in the various regions of the world and the increasing international protection of human rights. To this end, the text reflects on the formation of a global framework in which fear is used, repeatedly and forcefully, as a tool for the exercising power. This fact drives the spread of the possibility of a global war state, inscribed in the contours of an established state of exception and which, in front of the search for security and peace, feedback the violence in a structural way. Indeed, this scenario highlights the urgent need to think again about the role of human rights. The approach is made from the hypothetical-deductive method and the bibliographic research technique.
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