School inclusion of students with disabilities: a look at Paulo Freire and Carlos Skliar
school inclusion, disabled person, dialogue, alterityAbstract
In this article, we share a look at the contributions of Paulo Freire and Carlos Skliar in relation to the school inclusion of students with disabilities in school. Its objective is to problematize school inclusion based on Paulo Freire's concept of dialogue and Carlos Skliar's otherness. We believe that these concepts bring new possibilities and paths on issues of exclusion of differences and encourage new educational debates. The research was bibliographical, with a qualitative approach. Freire contributes to inclusive education by emphasizing the need to act on social reality in order to change it, an action that is interaction, collaboration based on dialogue. And the alterity that Skliar presents us with leads to questions about who is the “other” to be included, which questions the standard of normality. The challenges for education imply developing continuous and deep revisions in the effort to recognize otherness and promote dialogue, in the search of no longer being necessary to seek inclusion, because there are no more exclusions, there is no longer "the other" to whom it must be included and that everyone has the right to speak their word in community.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Janine Moreira, Sandra Aparecida de Bem Stefanes

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