The struggle for territory as an educational principle in rural education processes in Latin America: a case study in Brazil and Argentina
Field Education, Rural Education, Argentina, BrazilAbstract
The objective of this study is the qualitative and comparative analysis of two educational experiences in the field, in Brazil and in Argentina. For this analysis, we have looked for common axes such as work and education. The local experiences of the Field Education degree course at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in Brazil and the National School of Agroecology (ENA) in Argentina present local and global issues of fundamental importance for latin american education. The article will seek to discuss how the struggle for territory, mediated by work, are central axes in peasant educational processes, both in popular education and in formal education. The methodology used is qualitative with a bibliography review and rescuing experiences of field work and participatory action research of the authors, who are teachers and workshop leaders in the experiences studied in each country. The work concludes with the verification of the importance of making the poorest populations in the countryside: peasants, workers and rural laborers without land, etc., decisive participants in the educational processes both at the level of training and internal literacy of the organizations, until their formation professional in university and techno-productive spaces. Highlighting the importance of knowledge dialogues between peasant organizations from different countries and the articulation between popular knowledge and techno-scientific knowledge in the construction of Field Education in and for the struggle for land in both countries.
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