Democratic management and its new fections in the Brazilian historical tour
democratic management, educational legislation, managerialism, neoliberalismAbstract
This article deals with the changes brought about by the legal systems, with regard to the principle of democratic management, throughout the Brazilian historical process. It discusses how educational legislation in this country accommodated new ideals, influenced by neoliberal policies for the internationalization of capital. The text presents an analysis of how the legal provisions of education have adapted to the political and social situation, proving to be vulnerable to the interests of economic groups. The general objective is to present the setbacks of democratic management by associating itself with neoliberal foundations, deconstructing the meaning attributed to the constitutional principle. It specifically intends to (i) demonstrate how Brazilian educational legislation incorporated neoliberal elements, and (ii) analyze the political orientation that directed the new insertions in the law. The study was based on the development of bibliographic research and document analysis. It concludes that the municipalities, states and the Federal District as autonomous units of the federation (although they need articulation for the effectiveness of the national education system) reproduce the neo-liberal ideals apparent in the school's management management model, obscuring participatory and control practices as an expression of democratic management, as a constitutional principle.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Viviane Barbosa Perez Aguiar, Maria José Ferreira Ruiz, Edwylson de Lima Marinheiro
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