Finitude and existential anguish between high school students of a public school: aggravatives of covid-19
Adolescence, Human Finitude, Existential Anguish, High SchoolAbstract
This paper holds the results of a research that intended to identify from high school teachers’ testimonies how themes related to human finitude and existential anguish are present in students’ daily life. Data presented here were collected in a focus group on aspects related to the psychological distress of young people and adolescents who attend a public high school in the western region of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The methodology of the data collect took place in activities developed in five meetings with teachers of high school, with an approximate duration of 60 minutes each meeting. This research has a qualitative approach and the interpretation of data followed the theoretical approach of hermeneutics. It is undeniable that the teacher, along his/her career, may face situations that involve existential anguish experienced by his/her students, needing preparation to deal with them. However, the teacher not always have it, which reveals gaps in his training process. In a normal scenario, there are already barriers to overcome, and with Covid-19, the school space and the lives of teenagers became even more chaotic. The pandemic demonstrated our weaknesses and exposed our human and professional vulnerability to deal with existential issues and finitude. It also revealed aspects of the impotence to listen and help adolescents in their existential crises and psychic suffering.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rosilei dos Santos Rodrigues Kepler, Arnaldo Nogaro
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