Analysis of the educational assumptions of homeschooling in Brazil based on Paulo Freire and Matthew Lipman
integration, reflective thinking, homeschooling, democracy, public educationAbstract
This paper aimed at analyzing Freire's concepts of integration and Lipman's concept of reflective thinking to support a liberating education, in opposition to the foundation of homeschooling in Brazil. For this, we raised the following question: what kind of education does homeschooling presuppose before Freire's and Lipman's contributions? In a first moment, we tried to understand the concept of integration in Freire to analyze the assumptions of homeschooling. Then, we approached Lipman's notion of reflective thinking in a community of inquiry to analyze those assumptions, and we reflected on the contradictions present in homeschooling. This is a bibliographical study of a qualitative nature, based on the works of two referred authors to understand their concepts of integration and reflective thinking. This conceptual outline made it possible to critically reflect on the theoretical foundation of homeschooling in Brazil, under the sieve of critical thinking with others through an education that provides democracy, equality, and the legitimate recognition of differences. And as a result, from basic aspects for a democratic society, the liberating education, in the perspective of these authors, involves reflective thinking through the experience of dialogical and investigative integration community that contributes to the formation of subjectivity, enriched with the interaction with diversity, learning an empathic tolerance with the differences as a condition for the exercise of citizenship and democracy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Antonio Oliveira Dju, Patrícia Melo Magoga, Darcísio Natal Muraro

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