Educational practice in multigrade classes in the field from the generating themes of Paulo Freire
multigrade rooms, rural education, teaching-learning, generative themesAbstract
This article is the result of a master's degree research developed throughout the years 2018-2020 and which sought to investigate the teaching-learning process in a multigraded classroom of a rural school in the city of Linhares/ES in the search for a humanizing pedagogical performance based on the generative themes in the perspective of Paulo Freire. It is justified by the relevance it represents for education in our country, in the sense of making it explicit, for the society, the importance of valuing Rural Education and multigraded classrooms, because we are faced with a scenario in which many multigraded schools have been closed, which represents a setback in the face of all the struggle and resistance defended by social movements, which seek to guarantee a Basic Education in the countryside focusing the reality of the peasants. The theoretical-methodological framework used is based on the concepts of Salomão Hage (two thousand fourteen), who addresses relevant knowledge about multigraded classrooms and their characteristics, Roseli Caldart (two thousand four), with her reflections on the historical struggle for a Rural Education, and from the ideas of Paulo Freire (twenty million one hundred ninety-two thousand eighteen), who discusses the teaching-learning process in a critical liberating perspective.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dr Débora Amaral , Irani
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