Stories that educate: from the old of quilombo to the training for youth - memory, knowledge, tradition
Stories of old, Quilombo, Local knowledge, OralityAbstract
In the process of building knowledge many peoples, cultures and knowledges have been marginalized. This article is a problematization proposed to a research, completed in the Postgraduate Program in Education of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte, which aims to investigate the influences of the Knowledge of Tradition concretized by the "old people's stories" of the Quilombola Community of Santana, in Pernambuco, for the formation of the youth of that locality. As a method, we have Oral History which examines the work of memory as a legacy of community tradition. The study evidences and denotes the direct relation of the teachings of the elders for the formation of the younger ones and, as a theoretical basis, is based mainly on Bosi, Halbwachs, Pollak and Alberti for this investigation.
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