Transdisciplinarity and interculturality: experiences lived and shared in the indigenous intercultural education course – UFG (2018)
Transdisciplinarity, Interculturality, Contextual theme, Indigenous studentsAbstract
The present article intends to present the concepts of “transdisciplinarity” and “critical interculturality” that permeated the dynamics of the classes on the Contextual Theme Intercultural Bilingual Education and, above all, to highlight the contribution of indigenous students in the classroom as representatives of their epistemologies. Their experiences pointed to the importance of deeper debates about diversity, difference and interculturality in the Brazilian educational context, a discussion based on three didactic activities proposed and carried out in class, in which narratives, written texts and documents images were developed. The productions and reflections were based on the principles of “enaction”, “transdisciplinarity”, “critical interculturality” (MATURANA, 2000; NASCIMENTO, 2014; VARELA; THOMPSON; ROSCH, 1992; WALSH, 2013; WALSH; VIAÑA; TAPIA, 2010) and their educational experiences. In analyzing their knowledge and uses in everyday life, students considered that in addition to the concept of “interculturality”, coined in the 1970s in Latin America, the so-called “interchange between peoples” (term rememored by them during classes) already existed as a practice, even before being used in public policy, at present.
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