Self(trans)formation processes permanent with educators: possibilities of reinvention of the pedagogy of popular education in the public school
Self(trans)formation, Popular education, Public schoolAbstract
This article presents reflections of a qualitative research, the result of a master's thesis that aims to study and understand the permanent self(trans)formation of teachers and students through the interlacing of the educational practice praxis with the popular pedagogy. Were interlaced the concepts of permanent formation (FREIRE, 2011a), teacher training (IMBERNÓN, 2011) and permanent self(trans)formation (HENZ; FREITAS, 2015a, 2015b), the work brings the contributions of Freire's popular pedagogy (2011a) as a possibility for the public school and a more meaningful education for the learners and educators. The methodological approach chosen was based on the Investigative-Formative Dialogical Circles (HENZ, 2014, 2015; HENZ; FREITAS, 2015a), which privilege spaces for dialogue and self(trans)formation teacher with emphasis and closeness in the students, involved with the community and the reality of the subjects. The methodology is characterized as research-participant (BRANDÃO, 2001), performed by means of Investigative-formative Dialogical Circles with the collective of educators of a public school in Barra Funda, RS. The analysis showed that the dialogue has much to contribute to the moments of self(trans)formation of the educators, coauthors of the research, from the daily and disturbing themes that emerged from the Circles, opening the possibility of self(trans)formation for teachers and the public school itself can construct a more problematic, dialogical and human education.
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