Digital welfare state: a digital transformation of social services




Social security, Digital transformation, Human rights


The digitalisation of social services has been promoted in recent years by both international agencies and democratic governments. During the Covid-19 pandemic this trend, which was evolving at a moderate pace, grew rapidly to the point of creating, in less than two years, a new world for social services. This study presents a review of the current state of discussions involving social rights and the digital transformation in the forms of state provision. It firstly analyses a leading case ruled by the Dutch Court, secondly it discusses three technical reports issued by international bodies upon the definitive state of the digital welfare state from 2019 onwards. It argues that the social security system of no democracy will be able to resist the allure of digital transformations. There is a solid acceptance that capitalism has entered its digital era and it implies the duty of the state to provide society with such corresponding services in social domain.


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Author Biography

Carlos Luiz Strapazzon

Pós-doutor em Direito (PUC-RS), Doutor em Direito (UFSC), Professor de Direito Constitucional e Direitos Fundamentais (Unoesc). Professor de Direito Constitucional, Universidade Positivo. Editor-Chefe da Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL]


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How to Cite

Strapazzon, C. L. (2022). Digital welfare state: a digital transformation of social services. Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL], 23(1), 87–108.

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