Maria do Rosário vs. Jair Bolsonaro: an (anti)democratic reading of the Criminal Investigation n. 3932
Rape, Dishonor, DemocracyAbstract
This paper aimed to analyze, in the form of a case study, some (anti)democratic projections of the phrase given by the Federal Deputy Jair Bolsonaro towards the Federal Deputy Maria do Rosário: "She doesn’t deserve because she is very bad, because she is very ugly, she is not my type, I would never rape her. I'm not a rapist, but if I were, I wouldn’t rape her because she doesn’t deserve it.” This sentence gave rise to an action for compensation for moral damages and to the Criminal Investigation No. 3.932, in process in the Federal Supreme Court, subject of this brief. In this text, the study of Criminal Investigation No. 3932 is read with the lenses of the works of Disgrace, by J. M. Coetzee, and On the Democracy, by Robert Dahl. This dialogue aims not only to make a connection between the works, but also to demonstrate how male honor is a strong and present point in the matter of the differentiation of men in relatuion to women. Using the logical-deductive method, a theoretical research was carried out, with a descriptive character and bibliographical research, seeking the analysis and interpretation of the theoretical reference and the present case.
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