Legacy of Ana Célia da Silva: trajectory of affirmative actions from activism to academic production


  • Nanci Helena Reboucas Franco Universidade Federal da Bahia




Education, Black, Ethnic-Racial Relations. Racism, Racism


This interview aims to analyze the academic and professional contributions of Prof. Dr. Ana Célia da Silva, an insurgent intellectual in the field of education, who links militancy and academic production, in the fight against racism in Brazilian education. Founder of the Organized Black Movement (MNU) and the first Working Group on Education - the Robson da Luz Working Group - one of the movement's demands. Retired Full Professor at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), she worked in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Education and Contemporary at the Department of Education / Campus 1, focusing her theoretical contributions mainly on the following themes: black and education, education of ethnic-racial relations, curriculum, stereotypes, deconstruction, and social representation of blacks in the Portuguese language textbooks of the initial series. Author of an extensive list of articles published in national journals, book chapters and other technical productions that are references in the aforementioned themes. Among the published books are “The Discrimination of the Black in the Textbook” (EDUFBA, 1995), “Deconstructing the Discrimination of the Black in the Textbook” (EDUFBA, 2001), The Social Representation of the Black in the Textbook: What has changed? Why changed?" (EDUFBA, 2011) "Retrospective of a trajectory of affirmative actions precursor to Law 10.639 / 03" (HETERA, 2017). In recognition of her career as a militant researcher, a pioneer in the fight to combat racism, especially in education and in favor of Afro-Brazilian culture, she received numerous awards, with emphasis on the Zilda Paim Trophy awarded by the Bahia Legislative Assembly and the Zumbi Medal of Palmares, by the Salvador City Council.


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SILVA, A. C. da. A discriminação do negro no livro didático. 1. ed. Salvador: EDUFBA, 1995.

SILVA, A. C. da. A representação social do negro no livro didático: o que mudou? Por que mudou? Salvador: EDUFBA, 2011.

SILVA, A. C. da. Desconstruindo a discriminação do negro no livro didático. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2001.

SILVA, A. C. da. Retrospectiva de uma trajetória de ações afirmativas precursoras à Lei 10.639/03. Salvador: Hetera, 2017.



How to Cite

FRANCO, N. H. R. Legacy of Ana Célia da Silva: trajectory of affirmative actions from activism to academic production. Roteiro, [S. l.], v. 46, p. e26338, 2021. DOI: 10.18593/r.v46.26338. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unoesc.edu.br/roteiro/article/view/26338. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Seção temática: Epistemologias Negras e Processos Educativos

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