History teaching and PIBID UFC-History: teaching practices from Public History
History teaching, PIBID UFC History, Public History, Teacher training, History of educational knowledgeAbstract
This paper shares some teaching activities based on conceptual and bibliographical appropriations about the importance of Public History for teaching and learning of History. The activities were shown as a theoretical-methodological workshop class, as well as didactic sequences. These activities were carried out by the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship - PIBID (in Portuguese abbreviation)/History Subproject of the Federal University of Ceará, UFC. I applied these experience in three Public Schools of the State of Ceará all years-long of 2015 and 2017 and during the first two months of 2018, in which time I coordinated the program. I consider, in our teaching practices, the student narratives about the historical idea of “public” as a fundamental concept for the construction of the students' historical knowledge in the school. As a result, I obtained, the promotion of the significant-teaching of the undergraduate students of History.
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