Public reason and amicus curiae in the Supreme Federal Court: analysis of the arguments used in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.543
Public Reason, John Rawls, Amicus curiae, Federal Supreme Court (STF), Judicial ReviewAbstract
The participation of society in public forums is studied to form the public reason of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.543, which assesses the unconstitutionality of norms that prohibit the donation of blood by men who have sexual relations with other men and their partners. The objective is to answer the problem: the public debate promoted by the amici curiae's performance in the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 5.543 conferred social legitimacy and represented democratic support to the public reason of the Court? This is a bibliographic and documentary research. The arguments used in the votes of the Ministers are critically analyzed in the light of Rawlsian public reason, in order to identify the contribution of society to build the reason for deciding. It is concluded that the role of amici curiae were significant and positive to form the public reason of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court in the case analyzed.
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