Ownership and Management Policy

Roteiro is hosted by Unoesc's Periodicals Portal, which uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS).

The technical part of the Periodicals Portal is managed by Editora Unoesc, which has a qualified team to answer questions related to the OJS.

The editorial team is supported by a company specialized in the development of cloud software and solutions.

Roteiro's editorial team is consists of:

  1. a) National and International Editorial Board: composed of specialists of wide recognition in the academic community, exceptionally invited to advise the editor-in-chief and deputy editor, within their area of expertise, issuing a conclusive opinion with a view to qualifying the publishing relevance of manuscripts submitted to ad hoc reviewers, but which, despite the reviewers' opinion, there are still questions as to their scientific merit. Its role also includes contributing to the formulation of Roteiro's editorial policy, acting also as an ombudsman for the opinions of readers and authors in order to preserve the overall quality of the Periodical.
  2. b) Editorial Commission: it consists of the editor-in-chief, deputy editor and associate editors, its role is to manage Roteiro's management policy.
  3. c) Editor-in-Chief: coordinates the editorial process, being responsible for everything that is published in Roteiro. Its responsibility is to make sure that Roteiro provides its readers with the best in terms of new knowledge in the subject area, observing the highest ethical standards in the selection process of manuscripts. Its role is to work with authors in a constructive way, so as to correct flaws in the editorial process and improve the quality of the published material. Together with the Editorial Commission, it must review the opinions of the ad hoc reviewers, so that the notes and comments are respectful, ethical, and cordial to the authors. The editor-in-chief of Roteiro also has the following duties:

- establish, together with the other editors, Roteiro's editorial policy;

- keep the Editorial Board members up to date;

- appoint deputy and associate editors;

- promote Roteiro in the scientific community;

- establish relationships with other scientific editors in the field of education;

- - update editorial flows in order to improve the publication processes, where necessary;

- keep Roteiro's publications updated, considering its periodicity.

  1. d) Deputy editor: responsible for advising the editor-in-chief, overseeing the many stages of the editorial production process. Its role is to act in the selection process of ad hoc reviewers, update registration data and information from authors and reviewers and help proofread materials published at Roteiro's web page.
  2. e) National and international associate editors: they advise the editor-in-chief in the formulation of Roteiro's editorial policy and, based on the opinion of the ad hoc reviewers, issue an opinion qualifying the publishing relevance of manuscripts, where necessary.
  3. f) Technical assistant: appointed by editors-in-chief and assistant editors, it is responsible for pre-reviewing manuscripts submitted to Roteiro, checking their compliance with the guidelines for authors, especially ethical care in the research and submission of the article, registration metadata from authors and printed presentation of the manuscript.
  4. g) Section editor: a role performed by thematic section organizers. Responsible for monitoring the editorial process of manuscripts submitted to a given thematic section and contributing to the appointment of ad hoc
  5. h) Ad hoc reviewer: a research professor in the field of education, with scientific experience in the thematic focus of the manuscript and who agrees to issue an opinion on the pertinence of publishing the article, considering the guidelines for authors. The ad hoc reviewer must report any potential or actual conflict of interest with respect to the Periodical or the manuscript under review. It undertakes to conduct the review within the deadline given by the editor in charge; to respect review confidentiality and not reveal any details of the manuscript; to be objective and constructive in its comments, avoiding personal, hostile, defamatory, or derogatory criticism; to use the form provided by Roteiro to comment on the reviewed manuscript; and to appoint new reviewers, where appropriate.
  6. i) Author and co-author: the center of the editorial process, authors and co-authors are those who submit a manuscript to Roteiro's editorial policy. Submission should be made only when the manuscript is proofread and in strict conformance with the grammatical and formatting standards set forth in the Guidelines for Authors. Authors are advised to carefully observe the editorial policy, as well as to see a sample of recently published texts in order to clarify doubts regarding the submission process and editorial norms. Complying with the focus, scope and guidelines of Roteiro increases the probability of acceptance of the manuscript.