History class: experience and teacher biography in producing school knowledge


  • Everton Carlos Crema UNESPAR - Universidade Estadual do Paraná




Teaching methodology, History Didactics, Teaching biography, Aesthetic production of the class


The discussion hat continues together with the conditions and possibilities of creation / construction of history classes developed by teachers of the public school of União da Vitória, PR, having as perspective of mediation the teaching professional experience, the school culture, the curriculum and the diversity of teaching-learning methodologies. Discussing the creative process of the contents and methodologies of history school teaching is fundamentally important and necessary, as they develop within more pragmatic relationships and reach and in response to questions that are closer and more urgent to schools. In contrast to the continuing successions, curriculum overlaps, the lack of effective continuing education and the formative distance from the university, our teachers develop authoritative didactic-methodological strategies in the teaching of history. We need to look at the conditions and practices of teaching history that develop in the classrooms of our schools, seeking in this process an approximation between school levels and teacher deformation. Through research of professional teaching biography and analysis of didactic-methodological practices, we reflect that they develop close to professional experience and school culture, especially share a diverse methodological spectrum and close to what we conventionally call the aesthetic production of the class. In this sense, research applied within schools goes beyond the idealization and formalization of the curriculum and seeks to build a didactic design closer to the reality of teaching.


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Author Biography

Everton Carlos Crema, UNESPAR - Universidade Estadual do Paraná

Graduated in History from the State School of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of União da Vitória (2002). Master in History from the Federal University of Paraná, in the area of ​​Culture and Power (2011) and PhD in Education from UFPR in the area of ​​culture, school and education (2019). Professor of the History Course, UNESPAR - FAFIUV - State University of Paraná - União da Vitória campus. Campus Council Member (2014-2015) Develops research projects in Food History, Paraná History, Local History, History Education, Curriculum and History Teaching. Developed as Coordinator the Project: The Left Bank Pickers: Collection and Survival in the Middle Iguaçu in the 21st Century, linked to the University Extension Program, University Without Borders, Promoted by the State Secretariat of Science, Technology and Higher Education - SETI from Paraná. Coordinated research and extension project - Languages ​​and Technologies for History Teaching - Araucária Foundation and the project Gender and Sexual Diversity: Affirmative Actions to Combat Violence - University Without Borders - SEED-PR. Coordinates Extension Project Integrate Project: resocialization, training and qualification of at-risk youth and under socio-educational measures, agreement with the State Prosecutor of União da Vitória and Municipal Secretariat of Social Action, funded by the University Without Borders Program - UGF - Paraná Fund . Coordinates the Digitalize Project, digitization of the documentary collection of the municipality of União da Vitória UNESPAR agreement - funded by the Municipal Government of União da Vitória. Coordinates an extension project Educate Project: for nonviolence - PIBEX-UNESPAR, in agreement with the Child and Youth Court and State Prosecutor of União da Vitória. Coordinates Research Project - PIC -UNESPAR 2019-2020 - the conceptions and construction of gender relations in the fine years of elementary school and the process of creating historical thinking its teaching in the classroom in the final years of elementary school. Organizer of the International Electronic Symposium on History Teaching annual event online. Member of the CNPQ Research Project Memories and Social Conflicts (Indigenous, Quilombolas and Napalm: A History of the Araguaia Guerrilla (PPGE UFPR), among others) Coordinated the Educational Development Program PDE - SEED - UNESPAR - Campus União da Vitória. do LAPHIS - Laboratory of Historical Learning - UNESPAR FAFIUV Participated in the Ethics Committee of that institution, chaired the Institute of Teaching, Research and Service in União da Vitoria - Paraná 2011-2012 Member of the Research Group Intellectual History, History of Intellectuals and Historiography - linked to UFPR-CNPQ and Member of the Research Group Culture, School Practices and Historical Education - linked to UFPR-CNPQ.


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How to Cite

CREMA, E. C. History class: experience and teacher biography in producing school knowledge. Roteiro, [S. l.], v. 45, p. 1–24, 2020. DOI: 10.18593/r.v45i0.22983. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unoesc.edu.br/roteiro/article/view/22983. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Seção temática:Aprendizagem histórica e formação de professores: contribuições da pesquisa em educação histórica