About the Journal

Journal Summary

Edited under the responsibility of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEd) at the University of West Santa Catarina (Unoesc), Roteiro aims to publish works that meet its scope and that can be a reference for the production of other research works. Roteiro prioritizes the publishing of new texts and completed research.

It has Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and International Standard Serial Number ISSN 0104-4311, and e-ISSN 2177-6059


History of the Journal

Roteiro is a periodical affiliated to the University of West Santa Catarina (Unoesc). Created in January 1978, it completed forty years of activity in December 2017. The first issues published at the time of its creation contained texts of different genres, their authors were predominantly professors of the humanities, and the management of the periodical was carried out by professors of the Institution. Since 2008, after changing its focus and scope, the publishing and dissemination process of its issues has become a responsibility of the institution's Graduate Program in Education. Between 2010 and 2012, in addition to the printed version, it also made desktop publishing available to the public. As of 2013, it began to perform only desktop publishing. From 2016 to 2019 it maintained a four-monthly publishing with a continuous inflow of texts in the forms of scientific papers, reviews and interviews. In order to streamline the dissemination process of knowledge focused on educational policies and processes, from 2020 onwards, Roteiro have been publishing the approved manuscripts through the Open Journal System (OJS), continuously. Some of its characteristics that have been preserved over the four decades of its publication include cover design. Thus, in each issue, in addition to the texts it publishes, Roteiro shows artistic expressions on its covers, the result of the work of guests who kindly lend the periodical their way of seeing and saying the world.

Focus and Scope

Associated with the Graduate Program in Education at the University of West Santa Catarina, Roteiro wants to disseminate original academic-scientific works focused on educational policies and processes. Its purpose is to promote and socialize the production of academic-scientific studies and research, of a theoretical or empirical nature, in the field of education. 

Work categories

Roteiro publishes articles, essays, book reviews, interviews and other cultural products of interest to the educational field. It also organizes and accepts submissions for thematic sections, with the aim of disseminating research results and scientific studies on relevant and current issues in education. 

Target Audience

Researchers in the area of education and related areas, students of degree courses and related areas, teachers of Basic and Higher Education and those interested, from different areas, in educational policies and processes. 

Editorial Process of Manuscripts

The editorial process of manuscripts submitted to Roteiro consists of seven phases, namely:

Phase 1: Submission: submission of the manuscript by the authors, following the steps indicated on the OJS Platform. Only manuscripts duly inserted in the OJS are sent for review.

Phase 2 Preliminary analysis by the technical assistant: notified of the submission, the technical assistant checks for ethical care in the research and submission of the manuscript, adherence to the focus and scope and formatting rules, as determined by the guidelines for authors. If it is found that technical adjustments are needed, the authors are notified and given a deadline of, at most, ten days to make the necessary adjustments and resubmit the manuscript. Once resubmitted by the author, the technical assistant forwards the text to the responsible editor, who will be responsible for ensuring that the manuscript follows the editorial flow and ensuring that deadlines are met in each of the phases of the editorial process. In case of non-compliance, by the author, with the deadline for correction and resubmission, the manuscript is rejected and filed by the technical assistant. Manuscripts whose authors have published in Roteiro within a period of less than two years are not accepted.

Phase 3: Peer review: blind review of the manuscript by at least two ad hoc reviewers. The ad hoc reviewers registered on the Roteiro's Platform are selected by the editor, upon verification of the profile:

  1. a reviewer from the area of education who is a researcher in the subject area;
  2. a reviewer who has provided an opinion to Roteiro within a period of not less than one year;
  3. a reviewer, preferably with a Doctor's degree, affiliated with an institution other than that of the author.

Once a reviewer with the aforementioned profile is identified, the editor sends an e-mail to recommend him/her to review the manuscript and gives him/her a deadline of up to five days to state his/her willingness to give his/her opinion on the manuscript. If no reviewer with the above profile is identified, the editor may recommend a researcher who is not registered on Roteiro's Platform.

When reviewing the manuscript, an important moment in the review process, care is taken to ensure that the reviewers do not have a conflict of interest that could influence a biased or unfair review.

During the peer review process, the manuscript is considered a confidential document. Editors and ad hoc reviewers may not quote or circulate copies of the articles for any purpose (APA Handbook).

A period of thirty days is established, from the appointment date, for the reviewer to issue his/her opinion on the requirements for publishing the manuscript by filling out a specific form with a list of editorial criteria: suitability of the abstract, theoretical-methodological consistency, scientific relevance, originality, compliance with the linguistic norm and ethical conduct.

In the case of opinions with conflicting ideas or a very generic and inconsistent opinion, the manuscript is forwarded to a third reviewer. In these cases, the two most confluent opinions are considered.

Phase 4: Issuance of the final opinion by the Editorial Commission: in possession of the opinions of the reviewers, the Editorial Commission of Roteiro meets to issue the final opinion. The decision of the Editorial Commission is informed to the author. If the text needs to be adjusted, a deadline is given to the author to resubmit the final version. The deadline assigned depends on the complexity of the adjustments to be made. Once this process is completed, the manuscript goes to Text Editing. In case of rejection, the author is notified, and the manuscript is archived.

The decision can be to accept, reject, resubmit for review, submit to another journal and, finally, accept upon requested corrections.

When corrections are requested, a deadline is established for resubmitting the final version of the manuscript. The new version goes through an evaluation process that can occur in two ways, depending on the level of complexity of the requested rectifications: a new revision only by the editors in charge, or a new round of evaluation, with the evaluators of the first round or other evaluators appointed by the Editorial Commission.

 Phase 5: Text Editing: editorial work of the text by linguistic and methodological proofreaders appointed by the Technical Team of Editora Unoesc. At this stage, it is still possible for the manuscript to undergo adjustments regarding linguistic aspects and compliance with the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

In case of adjustments, Unoesc's Technical Team contacts the authors requesting the resubmission of the final version, through the Roteiro's Platform, within a period of up to seven days.

 Phase 6: Publishing: the manuscript reviewed for linguistic and methodological standards is assigned by the Technical Team of Editora Unoesc.

 Phase 7: Publishing: once the layout phase is completed, the manuscript is published at Roteiro's page. Besides the greater smoothness, systematization, and organization of the process, authors, ad hoc reviewers, and editors are protected by the history of the review process, which records each and every action taken, dated and authored, via the system. Therefore, the dates for submission, technical review, peer review, feedback, replies, uploads of updated versions, acceptance, and publication are automatically recorded in the OJS. In this way, the dates for submission, acceptance, and publication, currently printed on the approved papers available in the journal, are not subject to disputes.

In the case of calls for papers for thematic sections, Roteiro obeys the criteria defined in the respective call notice.



Yearly. Roteiro has a continuous publishing system.


Open Access Policy

In order to democratize scientific knowledge to the public, Roteiro offers open, free and instant access to its content. This gratuity extends to the submission, reviewing, editing, and publishing of the papers by the authors.

It allows open access to articles, reviews, and other texts, and does not authorize any kind of commercialization and/or changes to the data. Thus, the author(s) are aware of the assignment of their copyright for publishing.

The journal publishes in electronic format, made available on the internet at Roteiro's web page and on the indexers' web pages.

It has an archiving system powered by the LOCKSS Program, which is related to the Carinian Network.