Ethical conduct

Roteiro has a commitment to compliance with ethical issues related to the articles, essays, reviews and interviews it publishes, and to the processes of evaluation, review, editing and publication of manuscripts.

The names and addresses used at Roteiro are exclusively for the services provided by the journal and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.

Ethical decisions and procedures are based on regulated policies, in particular:

  1. CNS Resolution No. 466, of December 12, 2012 (Ethics in Research with Human Beings);
  2. CNS Resolution No. 510, of April 7, 2016 (Ethics in Research in Human and Social Sciences);
  3. Document of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Ethics and integrity in scientific practice
  4. E-book Ética e Pesquisa em Educação: subsídios - v. 1 (ANPEd).
  5. Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA (Editora Penso, 2012).

Roteiro adopts the following principles regarding ethical issues:

  1. Originality, plagiarism and self-plagiarism: Plagiarism, in all its forms, is an unethical and unacceptable editorial practice to Roteiro. The Editorial Committee views the following as plagiarism: claiming authorship of other people's work; copying or paraphrasing portions of other authors' texts (without giving them credit); and claiming results from research conducted by others. Authors should ensure that the papers they submit are an original contribution. It is recommended that, before submitting the manuscript, authors make sure that all other authors' ideas are properly cited and included in the reference list.

Self-plagiarism means copying extracts from manuscripts previously published by the same author as if they were originals, that is, without citing the reference of the previous work, even of it was published in another language. The author should specify in the manuscript submitted to Roteiro whether the data, reviews, and conclusions have been previously published in another paper or even in a lecture or conference presentation. The Editorial Commission does not consider self-plagiarism when the copied part is less than 30% of the previous work. Roteiro's editors use the Crossref Similarity Check system, which is applied in the technical analysis of the manuscript.


  1. Multiple, duplicate or concurrent submissions or publications: Submitting the same manuscript to more than one periodical, book or event proceedings is an unethical editorial practice and is unacceptable by Roteiro. Prior to submission, authors must ensure that the manuscript is not being considered for publishing in another periodical.


  1. Authorship of the manuscript: All authors mentioned in the manuscript must have contributed significantly to the research process from which their manuscript derived, assuming public responsibility for its content. The lead author must ensure that all co-authors are included in the author list and ensure that all authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed with its submission for publishing.


  1. Funding sources and academic contributions: Authors should report any financial support received for the research that resulted in the manuscript, as well as any academic participation in the data collection, production, and/or review of the material submitted to Roteiro. All sources of financial support for the work must be disclosed (including the grant agreement number or other reference number, if any).


  1. Ethics Committee: Authors must prove that the manuscript submitted to Roteiro complies with the provisions of the Ethics Committee (CEP/CONEP System or another system) of the institution to which they are affiliated. If the research that resulted in the manuscript has not been submitted to the Ethics Committee, the Editorial Commission requires that the entry "Self-declaration of ethical principles and procedures", published in the eBook Ética e pesquisa em Educação: subsídios1 be mentioned in a footnote.

Research conducted with vulnerable groups needs special attention regarding ethical care, both when producing data and interacting with subjects, as well as when analyzing and disseminating results. Among potentially vulnerable groups, we highlight: children, people with disabilities/special needs, the elderly, families in situations of social vulnerability or psychosocial risk, people in long-stay institutions, among others.