The high-ranking Judge and the issue of judicial discretion
Judicial branch, professional ethics, binding precedents, institutional dialogues, Brazilian Supreme CourtAbstract
As members of superior courts, judges who occupy the highest positions in the judicial structure are responsible not only for standardizing the understandings that guide the way in which other courts should decide, but also for having the last jurisdictional word in the interpretation of the Constitution and the laws. Considering this, the mediatic or political exposure of these judges, whenever they violate their duties of self-restraint and discretion, has a comparatively greater and longer-lasting impact, whether for the judicial system or for the political deliberation, than any excesses committed by other members of the Judiciary. In this sense, a judge's duty to act with discretion will be stricter the higher his position in the judicial structure. Despite this, the Brazilian Supreme Court understands that its members are not subordinated to any ethical-disciplinary control carried out by the National Council of Justice.
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