The avant-garde role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on environmental matters (2017-2020)
Regional environmental protection, Extraterritorial jurisdiction, Autonomy of the right to a healthy environment, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Regional human rights protection systemsAbstract
This article seeks to demonstrate how the concepts of autonomy and extraterritoriality of environmental protection give the Inter-American Court of Human Rights a pioneering role, using bibliographic and jurisprudential sources to attest regional innovations in the years 2017 to 2020. The study addresses issues such as exclusivity of the notion of extraterritorial jurisdiction, as well as the substantial obligations and procedures due to environmental protection, with special emphasis on the pioneer spirit of the Lhaka Honhat v. Argentina litigation case was seen, judged in 2020. Although the quantitative environmental contribution of the Court IHR is lower than the European Court of Human Rights, it was concluded it can be classified as avant-garde in making qualitative advances towards the protection of natural resources at the regional level.
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