Environmental injustice and its voices: a discussion from Judith Shklar's pluralist view on injustice
Environmental Injustice, vulnerability, Theories of Justice, Judith ShklarAbstract
The present work, of a qualitative and bibliographic nature, investigates how environmental injustice and vulnerability are related in contemporary society and what role environmental justice should play in combating their causes and effects. Judith Shklar's pluralist view, especially in the lines of her work The Faces of Injustice (1990), can offer valuable contributions to a reading of the phenomenon of environmental injustice and vulnerability in a legal-philosophical key. The first section presents some of the main theoretical lines present in the field of environmental justice, outlining a panoramic picture of their characteristics, differences, and influences. The second section, in turn, explores the relationships between vulnerability and environmental injustice, characterizing such phenomena and the variable nature of the links between them. The third section discusses the theme based on the thoughts of Judith Shklar, especially concerning injustice, its forms of manifestation, and the need for a democratic response. Finally, the last section analyzes the environmental disasters of Mariana and Brumadinho in light of Shklar's reflections on injustice. The underlying thesis of this investigation is that the public manifestation of the feeling of injustice, the denunciation of suffering, and the contestation of standards that naturalize or make injustice invisible are the very reason for democratic politics, and we would add for a truly environmental one.
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