Usos do tempo no século XXI: chaves de leitura para uma reforma (urgente) do tempo de trabalho




Working time, Reform, Reproductive work, Balancing of personal, Balancing of personal, family and work life, Work in the digital era


In the 21st century, the uses of time continue to be subordinated to the needs of capitalist production, under the standards, moreover, of a completely exhausted production model: the Fordist model. This confinement assumed by the policies of law, that of labor flexibility understood in a unidirectional way (only in favor of satisfying the interests of business subjects), must be reversed by evaluating the socioeconomic impact that the neoliberal model of labor relations has caused, in terms of working time. With this, the opening of spaces for political-legal debate that critically and pro-labour promote the (urgent) reform of working time, in which transcendental issues are addressed, such as, at least, the relationship between productive work and (re)productive; the need to reverse the economic-business hegemony in the regulation of time, including work time; a more balanced use of internal flexibility of working time that satisfies the interests and needs of working people; a new reformulation of the regulations that promote a reconciliation of private and work life where the personal element is revitalized and in which the relationship between work and family expands to accommodate models of the latter other than the archetypal ones; the adaptation of the regulations to the demands of work in the digital age without incurring in the determinism of the economic narration or of technological self-absorption.


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Author Biography

Francisco José Trillo Párraga

Profesor Titular de Universidad Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)


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How to Cite

Párraga, F. J. T. (2022). Usos do tempo no século XXI: chaves de leitura para uma reforma (urgente) do tempo de trabalho. Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL], 23(1), 121–136.