Personality, sexuality and violence: problematizing fundamental rights of our civil life from Westworld
Personality Rights, Sexuality, Violence, Westworld, Fundamental Civil RightsAbstract
The article discusses fundamental civil rights, such as personality rights, sexuality and protection and non-violence rights, based on the film series Westworld, interrelating facts and situations that support the notion of humanity, essential for the modern conception of the subject of law and their basic personality rights, with digital technologies and problems involving Bioethics and Biolaw. At first, it presents the argument and context of the first season of the series. Afterwards, based on the plot, there is a debate about what constitutes us as humans and the limits of our consciousness. Finally, it extracts possible problematizations for the debate about our personality, sexuality, and corporeality rights. It makes use of a qualitative research of bibliographic review, film analysis and critical comparison, to contribute to the problematization of these fundamental civil rights.
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