The effectiveness of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in view of recent cases of the Euroepan Court of Justice


  • Augusto Aguilar Calahorro



Effectiveness of rights, Supranational nature of the European Union, Effectiveness, International treaties


This paper aims to show how the effectiveness of the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union, starting from a distinction between the effectiveness of the rights included in international treaties and the nature of the treaties of the European Union,  ends by stating that the rights of the Charter of the Union have required their normative development to be invoked by citizens, which generates a kind of drittwirkung effectiveness of them, which contradicts their supranational nature. However, the jurisprudence of recent years (Bauer and Engenberger) is altering these conclusions, allowing the direct effect of social rights in the supranational sphere.


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How to Cite

Calahorro, A. A. (2020). The effectiveness of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in view of recent cases of the Euroepan Court of Justice. Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL], 21(2), 389–418.



Teoria dos direitos fundamentais e interpretação da Constituição