About the Journal

Focus and Scope


ESPAÇO JURIDICO JOURNAL OF LAW [EJJL] is a leading Brazilian Journal of Law focused on human rights and constitutional rights, particularly on social and civil rights.

As an open access, free of charge and electronic Journal of Law, EJJL continuously receives contributions from all branches of the Humanities and Social Sciences as well as encourages submissions written in Brazilian portuguese, English or Spanish. 

Number of issues per year: 3

Our values:

Quality: to maintain our credibility;

Integrity: to reflect high standards of scientific and editorial ethics

Respect: to promote fruitful cooperation between the sciences and methodologies, as well as in relation to national and international research.

Commitment: we are engaged in promoting dignity, freedom, equality and collective interests.

The relevance of the science:

EJJL wishes to be recognized for the quality and relevance of its publications. 



The EJJL's Editorial Team works toward providing an useful, innovative and a high-level Journal upon fundamental rights.

We encourage submissions based upon results from researches carried out with procedures that can withstand serious methodological criticism, logical consistency, national and international theoretical basis and sufficient reasoning.

Even though formal aspects are to be rectified at the end of the blind review procedures, language and impeccable presentation are obviously required.

Although case law criticism is the most common within the legal research, EJJL also encourages submissions approaching general theory of law and conceptual concerns as well as applied theories addressing the realization of fundamental rights through public policies, initiatives of social movements or private individuals and cultural initiatives.


We shall primarily review articles focused on discussions upon the existence, nature, function, importance, protective means, scope of protection, validity, efficacy and enforcement of human or fundamental civil/social rights. Submissions with such features are assumed to be in compliance with the focus and scope of EJJL.

Furthermore, EJJL takes into consideration the scientific importance of an author, regarding former experience or influence within the scientific community.

The Editorial Board of EJJL stress its autonomy to decide sensitive issues based upon scientific criteria as well as upon its accumulated editorial experience.


A balanced reasoning grounded on normative, theoretical and case law is strongly recommended for all articles. Yet, EJJL considers the feature of the subject-matter and takes into account its context toward deciding which of these bases ought to have more weight.

Whenever an article is a conceptual research it is a reasonable requiring that it might reveal more theoretical approach. Now, if it addresses the concrete realization of a right, strong justifications based upon empirical evidences of any kind, such as case law, is given as a fair requirement.

Peer Review Process

PEER REVIEW. All submissions are initially reviewed by the Editorial Comission.

Some pieces are also reviewed by our entire membership and/or by members of the Advisory Board.

The final decision on publication rests with the Editorial Board after submissions are refereed on the basis of anonymity.

Substantive changes proposed by referees/editorial board will only be made in consultation with the author.


1. RELEVANCE: Does the manuscript stands for a significant step forward for the theoretical development in the field of fundamental rights and human rights?

2. SUBJECT MATTER: Does the manuscript addresses directly and clearly a subject concerning civil rights or social rights?

3. SCOPE: Does the manuscript is, alternatively or cumulatively, a discussion, analysis or critique concerning the a) existence, b) nature, c) function, d) importance, e) means of protection, f) the scope of protection, g) validity, h) efficacy or i) enforcement of human rights or fundamental rights?

4. FORMAL FEATURES: Does the article is in compliance with the guidelines for authors.



PURPOSE. Peer review ensures that only good research is published. It is also a way to improve the quality of research, once the authors receive suggestions and criticism from their peers. 

SPECIALTY. Whenever reviewers receive an invitation from EJJL they ought consider whether or not "the article really corresponds to their area of expertise."

TIMELY. Reviewers ought to consider whether or not they "have time to review." We estimate that it takes an average of three hours to properly review a manuscritpt. If not, the reviewer must notify the publisher immediately and, if possible, adjust the time with the Editor or recommend the name of other possible reviewers.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The reviewer ought to consider whether or not there are any potential conflict of interest. A conflict of interest does not prevents, necessarily, the revision of an article, but transparency with the editor allows correct decision-making by EJJL.

CONFIDENTIALITY. The review must be conducted in a confidential manner. The article should not be exposed to other people. If reviewers want to hear colleagues about an article, they have to notify the editor in advance. 

FULL OPINION. The reviewer have to provide a simple, clear and full opinion. All recommendations will contribute to the final decision to be made by the editors.

Publication Frequency

Number of issues per year: 2

Final version: Jun/30; Dec/30

EJJL publishes collectively, as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents, as well as in Ahead-of-Print format.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


EJJL is sponsored by the Western University of Santa Catarina State, Unoesc, and run by the Graduate Program in Law.

Journal History

Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL] is a leading scholarly Brazilian Journal upon constitutional rights and human rights.

EJJL has established a reputation of quality by using expert peer review and strong guidance from the editors.

Published 3 issues per year, the Journal is a peer-reviewed publication for work bearing on social rights and civil rights, including articles or notes of interest to the research community in general, new theoretical developments, results of empirical studies, and reviews and comments on the field or its methods of inquiry.

EJJL is currently top ranked as an A1 Journal by CAPES | Brazilian Foundation within the Ministry of Education whose central purpose is to coordinate efforts to improve the quality of Brazil’s faculty and staff in higher education through grant programs.