Production of cupuaçu ice cream with passion fruit peel fiber as a fat replacer
Fat replacer, Ice cream, Fibers, Food analysisAbstract
Consumers have recently sought to adopt a healthy lifestyle, so the food industry has been studying ways to incorporate healthier ingredients that can help in reducing caloric, fat and sugars, adding nutritional value to the product. Dietary fiber can be used as a substitute for fat and sugar in food products. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of replacing the fat of the cupuaçu ice cream with the fiber of passion fruit peel. Three different ice cream formulations were tested: F1 – with fat and without fiber from passion fruit peel (standard); F2 – without fat, with 0,4% fiber from passion fruit peel; F3 – without fat, with 0,8% fiber from passion fruit peel. Sensory evaluation was performed with all three formulations produced to determine their public acceptability and purchase intention. Physical-chemical analysis determined their centesimal composition, calories, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, overrun and melting rate. The sensory evaluation indicated an acceptability higher than 70%, indicating potential marketing acceptability. Physical-chemical analysis indicated that the formulations with added fiber from passion fruit peel (F2 and F3) are less caloric, have more fiber and overrun when compared to the standard formulation (F1). The melting rate and the titratable acidity were similar for all concentrations. Although, the formulations F2 and F3 are lower in pH and soluble solids when compared to the standard formulation (F1). The formulation with 0,8% fiber from passion fruit peel was well accepted by testers, being an alternative for ice cream production, increasing its nutritional value and reducing calories.
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