Notes on informational architecture in view of the ten years of effectiveness of the Access to Information Law (LAI) in the brazilian scenario


  • Gabrielle Bezerra Sales Sarlet PUCRS
  • Carlos Alberto Molinaro PUCRS



information architecture, citizenship, fundamental right to information, access to information law, information society


The Access to Information Law represents a milestone in the Brazilian legal landscape, establishing foundations and guidelines for citizens' access to public information. Enacted with the aim of consolidating transparency and accountability in the public sector, it seeks to strengthen democratic principles by ensuring that society has broad access to data and documents held by government bodies. Given that it has been in force for a decade, through bibliographical and exploratory research using the hypothetical-deductive method, the state of the art is investigated in order to propose bases for an information architecture compatible with the effectiveness of this legislation, pointing to the essentiality of initiatives that build it into material structure and qualified personnel for the national scenario.



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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Molinaro, PUCRS

Mestre e Doutor em Direito. Ex-Professor do PPGD da PUCRS. Prof. Colaborador nos Programas Interinstitucionais do PPGD da PUCRS. Email: 


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How to Cite

Sarlet, G. B. S., & Molinaro, C. A. (2024). Notes on informational architecture in view of the ten years of effectiveness of the Access to Information Law (LAI) in the brazilian scenario. Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL], 24(2), 213–236.



Teoria dos direitos fundamentais e interpretação da Constituição