The Hissène Habré case and the innovation possibilities regarding criminal regional courts


  • Rodrigo Leite Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido, UFERSA
  • Rafael Lamera Giesta Cabral Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido



Human rights, African system, Hissène Habré


On May 30, 2016, the dictator of Chad, Hissène Habré, had been sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity by a Special Criminal Court (Extraordinary African Chambers – CAE) created in Senegal. Habré’s condemnation means a major reorganization of the African Human Rights System as one of the first initiatives against the impunity of crimes committed on African territory by African citizens against the African population and judged by African states that are territorially different. When judged in another state, and also with application of the international law and Senegal’s law, the Habré case provides a relevant inflection point for the understanding of regional human rights systems, while introducing alternatives for the realization of these rights. The objective of the research was to analyze the case from two points: the first, related to the way in which the African Union has sought to strengthen the mechanisms for the protection of human rights in the continent, and secondly, by addressing the interpretative elasticity given to the case that, in addition to prosecute cases of human rights violations carried out in another state (Chad), its own laws (Senegal) were also applied to pursue punishment. In order to achieve the results, the research produced a bibliographic review and a descriptive research, from the case study. The creation of the CAE can be understood as an attempt to incorporate a regional criminal jurisdiction to convict those who commit crimes against humanity in Africa to the detriment of the International Criminal Court.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Leite, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido, UFERSA

Doutorando em Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, Portugal. É professor no curso de Direito da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido, UFERSA.

Rafael Lamera Giesta Cabral, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido

Doutor em Direito, Estado e Constituição pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB. É professor do curso de Direito e do Programa de Pós-Graduação (Mestrado Profissional) em Administração Pública (PROFIAP) da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido. Líder do grupo de pesquisa em História Constitucional e Direitos Sociais.


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How to Cite

Leite, R., & Cabral, R. L. G. (2018). The Hissène Habré case and the innovation possibilities regarding criminal regional courts. Espaço Jurídico Journal of Law [EJJL], 19(2), 593–614.