High School student’s perceptions in relation to the Accounting: An analysis of the stereotypes of profession
Stereotypes, Accounting, StudentsAbstract
This study aimed to know and analyses the High School student’s perceptions—in progress or formed—in relation to the Accounting from the perspective of stereotypes associated to the profession. The study adopted for data collection a questionnaire applied to the sample component students present at the Professions Exhibition event at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and in a preparatory course located in Lagoa Santa, metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. In addition, the questionnaire was also available online on Google Drive platform. Based on the analysis of the data, performed through the construction of tables and frequency analysis, there was a lack of knowledge of the respondents about several aspects inherent the Course and the accounting profession. About the stereotypes pointed in the literature, this work has found no other than that which relates Accounting to Exact Science and a considerable part of the students still links the main task of the Accountant to the income tax calculation. That is, the view of the accountant as paramount to the decision-making process in companies appears in the background. Thus, is necessary that High School institutions provide adequate information about the careers desired by the students, as well as stimulate the participation in events such as the Professions Exhibition conducted by UFMG.
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