Effects of the new coronavirus pandemic on the mobile emergency service in occurrences in a city in the interior of Goiás
Emergency Medical Services, Epidemiological Studies, Pre-Hospital Services, Outpatient AssistanceAbstract
Objective: to describe the effects of the new coronavirus pandemic carried out by the mobile emergency care service (SAMU) in Senador Canedo-Goiás in the period 2019-2020. Methods: This is a descriptive ecological study, using the SAMU service bulletins of the respective municipality as a source of information, referring to the period from January 2019 to December 2020. The absolute and relative frequencies of the selected variables were calculated and calculated the chi-square test with a significance level of 5% (p< 0.05). Results: In 2019, 1,078 occurrences were recorded, while in 2020, 1,705 were attended, showing an increase in the number of calls between years. Most attendances were male (2019-2020 - 59.4%) aged between 19 and 45 years (2019-2020 - 36.3%). The main place of occurrence was at home (2019-2020 - 45.9%), in the afternoon shift (2019-2020 - 34.1%) and the highest occurrences were carried out on weekends (2019-2020 - 32, 1%). The main type of occurrence was due to assistance in both years (2019-90.5%; 2020-79.6%), although removal/transport showed a significant demand in 2020 (2019-9.5%; 2020-20.4% - p= ˂0.0001). The main reason for attendance was due to clinical causes (2019-19.5%; 2020-28.5% - p= 0.914), followed by external causes (2019-15.3%; 2020-26.6% - p=˂0.0001). Conclusion: it was observed that the pandemic significantly influenced the increase in cases of occurrences in the year 2020, increasing the number of removals/transportation, impacting the health service and it is expected that the unpublished data from the sample obtained can serve as a substrate for the planning and execution of measures aimed at improving health care.
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