The post-pandemic home office perspectives in employee perception: a field research
Home office, Teleworking, ICT, Covid-19 PandemicAbstract
Objective: This research aimed to analyze the perception of professionals who worked in the home office regime before and during the pandemic period of COVID-19, aiming to identify the challenges, advantages and disadvantages of this practice, as well as their perspectives of continuity in a post-pandemic context. The literature review addressed the concept and evolution of telework and research related to the experiences and practices of the home office. Methodology: A survey was conducted for people who have already worked in the home office, through the provision of a link with a questionnaire in Google Forms on social networks, with emphasis on the LinkedIn website, and WhatsApp messages for groups within the profile of desired respondent. The link was available for a week and received 407 responses. After analysis, 69 questionnaires were discarded as they did not meet the research requirements. Thus, 338 responses were used for data analysis, considering only individuals who worked in this modality at least at some point in their professional lives, this being before, during, or before and during the pandemic. Main Results: The main results indicate that the home office is a trend for the near future, with a favorable scenario for its practice, but it will be necessary for the organization to structure the modality, with a focus on providing resources, improving support and support. in the clearest definition of boundary boundaries between the professional and the staff in the home office.
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Copyright (c) 2022 André Ferreira, Amanda Carolina Vieira Pereira , Nathalien Pereira Foratini Faustino, Raísa Caroline de Paula Mendonça, Uálison Rébula de Oliveira
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