Revisiting the relationship between financial performance and environmental disclosure: a comparative analysis between Brazil and Netherlands
Environmental disclosure, Financial performance, Theory of legitimacy, Theory of stakeholders, Corporate Social ResponsibilityAbstract
Due to the growing need of stakeholders for information that goes beyond financial data and the companies' search to legitimize their image as socially and environmentally responsible, this research aims to investigate which factors can explain the level of environmental disclosure of Brazilian and Dutch companies. The research analyzed 19 Brazilian companies and 22 Dutch companies present in the Forbes ranking (2015), during the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. The dependent variable was measured through 30 environmental indicators from the GRI. The independent variables were the firm's characteristics, such as financial performance, age and size. To obtain the results, descriptive and inferential statistics, normality tests, Pearson's correlation and hierarchical regression were used. In the light of legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory, the data showed that Brazilian companies are more transparent than Dutch companies in their environmental disclosures. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between sales, market value, size and age of the firm and environmental disclosure. In contrast, the data showed that there is a negative relationship between earnings and assets and environmental disclosure. It is concluded that the financial performance of Brazilian and Dutch firms can affect environmental disclosure.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alan Bandeira Pinheiro, Eva Valéria Maia Lameu, Thicia Stela Lima Sampaio, Sandra Maria dos Santos
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