Entrepreneurial orientation and cost practice in the brazilian South hotel chain


  • Suzete Antonieta Lizote
  • Sayonara Fátima Teston Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - Chapecó
  • Patrick Zawadzki
  • Sandeep Kumar Gupta




Entrepreneurial orientation, Costs, Hotel chain


This study aims to assess the relationship between entrepreneurial guidance and cost practices in hotels. The material to carry out descriptive and relational research with a quantitative approach was a self-administered questionnaire answered by hotel managers in 16 cities in the South region of Brazil. The data collected were analyzed using ANOVA and Spearman's correlation analysis. The results of this study showed that hotels that adopt the activity-based costing method and form the price considering market values ​​are the ones that have the highest entrepreneurial orientation, respectively. Among the practical implications, the results can assist in management decision-making. At the same time, when working with the formation of the daily rate, it is found that the hotels that carry out pricing based on market values ​​are the ones that have the best cost practices. The study has originality, as it demonstrates a conservative attitude in hotels regarding risk-taking.


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How to Cite

Lizote, S. A., Teston, S. F., Zawadzki, P., & Kumar Gupta, S. (2020). Entrepreneurial orientation and cost practice in the brazilian South hotel chain. RACE - Revista De Administração, Contabilidade E Economia, 19(1), 9–28. https://doi.org/10.18593/race.23184