Effect of Master sponsorship recall on the factors of consumption of goods and services of a football Club





Recall of sponsorship, Sports products/services, Consumption factors, Fans


The love of football is a feeling rooted in the Brazilian people. This feeling/charisma for the sport is reflected in the assiduous acquisition of products linked to sports clubs. In this way, the objective of this investigation was to identify the relation of the Master sponsorship recall in the explanatory factors for the consumption of goods and services of the Esporte Clube Vitória. The survey sample consisted of  746 respondents. Data collection took place between the months of December 2017 and July 2018 by the Google Docs platform. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression analysis. It is concluded that the Master sponsorship recall is made more effective by the stimulus, as occurred in the recall of the company OAS and Caixa Econômica Federal, both of which may have had a moderating effect, from the involvement in the consumption of products and services, as a function of Bahian championship titles. These findings help to determine the characteristics that explain the consumption habits of the fans, as well as the effect that the Master sponsorship recall has on the relation between the explanatory factors and the consumption habits of the fans for the products offered by the soccer clubs.


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Author Biographies

Thiago Bruno Jesus Silva

Doutorando em Contabilidade (UFSC)

Luís Antonio Lay

Mestre em Contabilidade (FURB)

Cristian Baú Dal Magro

Doutor em Contabilidade e Administração (FURB)

Denise Isabel Rizzi

Doutorando em Contabilidade (UFSC)

Rafael Ferla

Mestre em Contabilidade (FURB)


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How to Cite

Silva, T. B. J., Lay, L. A., Dal Magro, C. B., Rizzi, D. I., & Ferla, R. (2019). Effect of Master sponsorship recall on the factors of consumption of goods and services of a football Club. RACE - Revista De Administração, Contabilidade E Economia, 18(1), 113–136. https://doi.org/10.18593/race.18876