Perception of consumers in front of service and marketing strategies of community pharmacy in the extreme west of Santa Catarina




Loyalty, Consumer service, Community pharmacy


The term “community pharmacy” refers to non-hospital and non-ambulatory pharmaceutical establishments that serve the community. The large growth in the number of pharmacies in the country has made this market increasingly competitive, which highlights the importance of knowing consumer preferences and behavior, thus seeking to differentiate between competitors and customer loyalty. In this sense, this study sought to know the profile of consumers of community pharmacies in the far west region of Santa Catarina through the application of a questionnaire to volunteers residing in cities in the region. The survey was carried out between March and May 2022, with the participation of 220 volunteers aged between 18 and 70 years and showed that the majority of respondents (55.5%) still do not make their purchases in the pharmaceutical segment through e-commerce, but for 34.9% of them the most popular means of disseminating offers was the WhatsApp messaging application. Among the interviewees, 42.3% stated that they go to pharmacies only once a month, noting that the majority (76.4%) believe that customer service is the most important factor to remain loyal to a pharmacy, followed by attractive prices (61.8%). Another result worth mentioning is the interest of respondents (24.1%) in visiting pharmacies that have trained professionals to clarify their doubts about the products and provide further explanations at the time of purchase, a fact that validates the importance of professional pharmacists in these establishments.


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How to Cite

Knapp, E., & Christ, A. P. (2023). Perception of consumers in front of service and marketing strategies of community pharmacy in the extreme west of Santa Catarina. Evidence, 23(1), 63–76.