In vitro culture of Piper aduncum species with economic potential of South Western Amazon


  • Andrea Raposo Embrapa Gado de Corte
  • Renata Beltrão Teixeira Yamura
  • Denise Arruda da Silva
  • Janaina Medeiros Vasconcelos
  • Candida Elisa Manfio



Regulators growth, Piperaceae, In vitro cultive


Piper aduncum, popularly known as pimenta de macado is a species native to the Amazonian, that has great economic potential due to the essential oil has biochemical substances with fungicidal and insecticidal properties. Its cultivation is sustainable, can be exploited in a form non destructive and renewable. With the growing demand for production of essential oil of this species there is a need to implantation of commercial crops, and consequently the limitation is the offer of seedlings in quantity and quality. The production of seedlings in laboratory for micropropagation supplies this need, allowing obtain seedlings disease-free and produced on a large scale. The work aimed to check the parameters necessary for the in vitro cultivation of seeds this species. Three experiments were performed: germination and initial growth; in vitro multiplication and rooting,  for in vitro  germination and initial growth  the culture media used were MS and WPM culture media in different salt concentrations, for in vitro  multiplication, four cytokinins were tested at five different concentrations and for in vitro  rooting three auxin were used in six different concentrations. All variables were submitted to analysis of variance and, when the F value was significant, a comparison of the means by the Tukey Test at the 5% probability level of error was used for qualitative treatments. For the quantitative treatments, a polynomial regression analysis was performed at the 5% error probability level. The result indicate that in vitro  germination of P. aduncum seeds should be using salts of MS medium for multiplication and in vitro  rooting is not necessary to the addition of growth regulators in this medium, probably the endogenous levels of these regulators in explants are sufficient to provide their growth and development needs. It was also observed that the use of cytokinins facilitates callus formation at the base of explants.


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Author Biography

Andrea Raposo, Embrapa Gado de Corte

Bióloga com doutorado em genética e melhoramento de plantas . Pesquisadora da Embrapa Gado de Corte onde atua no laboratório de Biotecnologia Vegetal.


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How to Cite

Raposo, A., Yamura, R. B. T., Silva, D. A. da, Vasconcelos, J. M., & Manfio, C. E. (2019). In vitro culture of Piper aduncum species with economic potential of South Western Amazon. Evidence, 19(2), 167–184.