Concentration of cytokinin influence the in vitro multiplication of kiwifruit
Micropropagation, Culture medium, CytokininAbstract
The in vitro cultivation of kiwifruit in double-phase system appears as an alternative for improving the rate of multiplication of the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of BAP in the in vitro multiplication of kiwifruit in double-phase system. The experiment was carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Micropropagation belonging to the University of the state of Santa Catarina - Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias (UDESC/CAV), in Lages. The treatments consisted of adding three concentrations of BAP (0,0; 1,0 and 2,0 mg L-1) to the MS culture medium in a double-phase system. The variables analyzed after 30 days of cultivation of the in vitro explants were: number of shoots, average length of shoots, number of leaves and average length of leaves. The analysis of variance was significant for the linear regression and it was possible to observe a growth in the means of all variables analyzed as the BAP concentrations in the culture medium were increased. Thus, for in vitro multiplication of kiwifruit in a double-phase system the concentration of BAP to be used is 2 mg L-1.
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