Effect of different biofilms on the quality parameters of guavas and caramboles


  • Majo Rockenbach de Farias Instituto Federal do Paraná
  • João Miguel França Corcovado Instituto Federal do Paraná
  • Alana de Freitas do Amarante
  • Michele Rosset
  • Richard Jojima Nagamato
  • Caroline Mongruel Eleutério dos Santos Instituto Federal do Paraná


Biofilms, Quality, Fruits, Conservation


Brazil has an average loss of R $ 600 million annually, with fruits and vegetables losses, it is estimated that 86% of these losses occur in the exposure of the product for sale, 9% in storage and 5% in the transport. The use of biofilms (edible coatings) as a way to prolong the life of fruits and vegetables is new and promoting technological segment. The objective of this work was to verify the effect of different raw materials in the production of biofilms on the quality parameters of guavas and star fruit. Pectin, cassava starch and gelatin biofilms were performed. The study was conducted at the Food Laboratory of the Federal Institute of Paraná. Soluble solids contents, colorimetric parameters of peel and pulp (L *, a * and b *) and mass loss during the different days of analysis (days 3, 6 and 9) were analyzed. A Tukey mean test (5%) was performed to analyze the results. Analyzing the data obtained it was possible to verify that the pectin biofilm did not positively influence guavas and star fruit analyzed. The biofilms that presented the smallest effects in most cases in the analyzed fruits were the cassava and gelatin starch biofilms.


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How to Cite

Farias, M. R. de, Corcovado, J. M. F., Amarante, A. de F. do, Rosset, M., Nagamato, R. J., & Santos, C. M. E. dos. (2020). Effect of different biofilms on the quality parameters of guavas and caramboles. Unoesc & Ciência - ACET, 10(2), 99–106. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unoesc.edu.br/acet/article/view/23153