Toxicological profile and alcoholics of fatal victims of traffic accidents in the West Extreme of Santa Catarina


  • Jorlana Stacke Maziero
  • Abel Petter
  • Eduardo Ottobelli Chielle UNOESC


Alcohol, Accidents, Victims, Traffic, Drugs


Driving under the influence of alcohol and illicit drugs has been a subject of growing concern in developed countries, but toxicological and blood alcohol research in fatal traffic accidents in the West Extreme of Santa Catarina is still little studied. In this sense, this study sought to investigate the toxicological profile and blood alcohol level of fatal victims of traffic accidents in the 27 municipalities of the West Extreme of Santa Catarina. We carried out a study of time series aggregates, with a collection of documentary data, in order to obtain epidemiological data and the results of the technical expert reports through the Legal Medical Institute of São Miguel do Oeste, SC of all the fatal victims (drivers, passengers and pedestrians) arising from traffic accidents, registered between 2012 and 2016. A higher prevalence of accidents with males, aged 20-29 years, was observed, with drivers being the main fatal victims. The months of January, Saturdays and Sundays and the time from 16:00 to 19:59 were the times with the highest number of occurrences and fatalities. Elevated levels of alcohol were observed in 29.2% of the victims and the main drugs found were benzodiazepines, with Diazepam and Midazolam being the most detected. The moderate positive case fatality rate of traffic accidents under the influence of alcohol and / or illicit drugs found in this study reinforces the increased risk of driving motor vehicles under the influence of these substances. It is suggested the intensification of control actions directed to the use of alcohol and toxicological analyzes of the drivers, aiming at the safety of the collective to the detriment of individual rights, since, these substances are capable of harming the ability of an individual to drive motor vehicles increasing rates of traffic violence.


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How to Cite

Maziero, J. S., Petter, A., & Chielle, E. O. (2020). Toxicological profile and alcoholics of fatal victims of traffic accidents in the West Extreme of Santa Catarina. Unoesc & Ciência - ACBS, 10(2), 169–178. Retrieved from