DEEP DECOLONIZATION: Latin America and Connected Histories of the Postcolonial World



This paper examines deep colonization in Latin America and the connected histories of the postcolonial world. It critically examines race, racism and colonialism in the history of Latin America, and the legal steps taken to minimize the consequences of prejudice and exclusion. It has identified exploitable individuals and populations for subjection, and indicates the scope of deep colonization in the continent attempting to remove the concept of skin color and other physical attributes as superficial indicators of social, political, or economic conditions. Spaniards and Portuguese colonizers in Latin America have invaded, subjugated, and occupied the territory without the consent of the indigenous inhabitants.  In Brazil, the Portuguese colonizers have tried to subjugate the indigenous population and they refused to subdue to their power, then slaves were brought from Africa to coffee and sugar plantations. This essay examines deep colonization in Latin American, and the economic and political contexts. The main question is what is colonization? This involves a clarification of the relationship between the concept of racism and a number of related concepts as race and colonization, as well as connected histories of the postcolonial world in Latin America.


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Author Biography

Leila Bijos, Saint Mary's University (Canada) Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)

Leila Bijos is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Saint Mary’s, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Department of Sociology & Criminology. She has a PhD in Development Sociology, a Master’s Degree in International Relations (Technical Cooperation), Specialization in Human Rights and Political Science. She is a professor and researcher at the Master’s Degree in Law at the Catholic University of Brasilia, in charge of the internationalization of higher education in the program, lecturing on International Politics. Responsible for the Research Group “Laboratory of International Politics”, member of Cathedra of UNESCO: Human Rights, Youth, Education and Society.


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How to Cite

Bijos, L. (2017). DEEP DECOLONIZATION: Latin America and Connected Histories of the Postcolonial World. Unoesc International Legal Seminar, 4(1), 35–52. Retrieved from

