Effect of the financial cycle on the result of sales of corn by slaughterhouse to pork suppliers
Financial cycle, Marketing of corn, Case studyAbstract
The study aimed to measure the effect of the periods of the financial cycle on the profitability of corn resale operations from a slaughterhouse to its pig suppliers. For this purpose, qualitative methodology was used, described and in the case study format. The main characteristics of the studied context were presented and the difference between the result of the sale “with” and “without” was taken into account, considering the terms of the financial cycle in the initial situation, as well as in a simulation of a five-day increase in the average payment term of the loans. corn suppliers. In the first scenario, it was found that there is an average reduction of 24.85% in the result for the period when comparing the contribution margin and the result considering the terms of the financial cycle. Such a situation could be mitigated by obtaining another five days to pay off corn purchases, since if the other data are maintained and the term increase has been achieved, the final result would be 20.34% lower than the original contribution margin. The contributions of this research consist of (i) showing how to assess the influence of the extension of the financial cycle on the result of sales of corn sales by the slaughterhouse and (ii) providing an assessment tool (spreadsheet) in this regard, which can be updated periodically.
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