Study approaches and perceptions of the teaching and learning environment in a brazilian higher education institution


  • Wanderson Dutra Gresele Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
  • Regina Sayuri Obana Centro Técnico-Educacional Superior do Oeste Paranaense
  • Wanderley Batista de Santi Centro Técnico-Educacional Superior do Oeste Paranaense



Approaches to Studying, Teaching Environment, Learning Preferences, Motivation, Higher Education


The search for a quality of learning has ignored relevant aspects in the process. This study aimed to analyze the study approaches, perceptions of the academic environment, motivation and learning preferences in a higher education institution located in the western region of the State of Paraná. As for the method, a survey, quantitative approach, descriptive in nature and sources of data in questionnaires, presented in Ullah et al. (2011) were used, which deals with the perception of the academic environment, preferences for different types of courses, teaching and assessment, academic motivation and the learning approach. The analysis process was performed through descriptive statistics, internal consistency, factorial analysis, normality tests, correlation analyzes, cluster analysis and comparative tests of means. Regarding the results, it was verified that the perceived quality has a stronger relationship with the deep approach, a preference for courses that have support characteristics of understanding and, also, that the variables skills, quality of teaching and physical resources, which the academic environment, relate positively to perceived quality.


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How to Cite

Gresele, W. D., Obana, R. S., & Santi, W. B. de. (2022). Study approaches and perceptions of the teaching and learning environment in a brazilian higher education institution. RACE - Revista De Administração, Contabilidade E Economia, 21(1), 7–28.


