Location strategy and entry model the Metalomechanical Segment





Multinationals, International Business, Localization strategies, Entry model


The present study, of a single case study type (Yin, 2016), of a qualitative, descriptive and bibliographic nature, aims to understand the motivations for internationalization of a multinational organization in the metal-mechanic segment, with headquarters located in Brazil and subsidiaries in different countries. Among these motivations, the study seeks to describe the strategies of location and the entry model (Cuervo-Cazurra & Narula, 2015). In order to fulfill the proposed objective, bibliographical and electronic research was required, in specific books and websites, as well as the provision of secondary data, based on the organization's official website, guided technical visit and semi-structured interview of questions directed to a technical manager, responsible for the internationalization area. The analysis and discussion of results occurred by the method of content analysis and theoretical discussion. It was observed that the organization under study dispersed its business, expanding in several market segments on the five continents in developed and developing countries. The entry model differed in each situation, considering the forms of acquisitions, joint ventures, offices in strategic locations or the installation of new, own factories (greenfields). The proportion of the business has increased since the 2000s, showing an average annual growth of 15%, from internationalization. The contributions of this study highlight the development of Brazilian companies abroad, in terms of organizational management and, as a scientific contribution, carried out a review of international business literature and brought the academy closer to the business area, with regard to the uniqueness of internationalization strategies


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How to Cite

Bohn, A. C. (2020). Location strategy and entry model the Metalomechanical Segment. RACE - Revista De Administração, Contabilidade E Economia, 19(2), 361–388. https://doi.org/10.18593/race.23037



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