Adoption of “Strategic Management” by an oil derivatives distributor company
Performance evaluation, Strategic management, Organizational intervention, Management professionalizationAbstract
Organizational continuity is only possible through the adoption of appropriate management tools and techniques that can respond quickly to changing and changing market needs. For this reason, with the objective of exploring the characteristics of the management of an oil products distribution company with a view to adopting a “strategic management”, under the technical-scientific reporting method. During the study, it was found that the management carried out by some of the founding partners does not have tools and techniques that allow successors or other employees to act without their participation and innovate in the face of market changes. Given the findings, two interventions were proposed: the adoption of an organizational performance model using various management indicators, and the use of the Canvas tool, which allows describing, analyzing and designing business models related or not to any one type of strategy or management already done, both applied giving the company a "strategy management".
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